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Education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is not a preparation of life; Education is life itself and at Acharyakulam preparing our children for life is our bigger purpose. With the divine blessings and guidance of Param Pujya Swami Ji and Shraddheya Acharya Shree over the past 10 years we have travelled on this path of seeking knowledge, beautifully blending the Vaidic and Modern Education. ‘शिक्षा, संस्कारः, अभ्युदयः, निश्रेयसः’ - It is here at Acharyakulam where with the right education and the right ‘sanskaras’ - the mind, the body and the spirit is nurtured; where character is built, where hearts are ignited.

‘यत्र प्रतिभा अवसर प्राप्नोतिः – Where Talent Meets Opportunity’. For our children, life at Acharyakulam is a journey of discovery, growth and learning. We understand that it is important for our children to be taught what is new, what is relevant to today’s world, using the latest learning - teaching pedagogy, using the latest in technology and yet at the same time we strongly believe in teaching our children the importance of knowing and appreciating the old, be it their past history, their origin, their culture.

Life at school is a beautiful ‘Sangam’, with reciting the mantras to reciting the mathematical tables, with doing the ‘Surya Namaskar’ in Yoga to studying the ‘Surya’ in the Geography lab, with performing Kathak to the beats of the tabla to marching forward to the beats of the drums, with playing crossword to playing handball, with working with colours on a canvas to working with chemicals in the lab, with quoting Wordsworth and Premchand to singing the Vaidic hymns….Yes, our children do it all, they learn it all.

They say a family that eats together, prays together, stays together. Like the Gurukuls of the past, following the age old ‘Guru – Shishya Parampara’, our children live with us as family and this is what makes life at Acharyakulam Boarding House very unique and very special.

‘अप्राप्यं नाम नेहास्ति धीरस्य व्यवसायिनः’ At Acharyakulam, we believe that each child is different, each child is special and each child is capable of dreaming more, learning more and becoming more for our children know that nothing is unattainable for them for they have inner strength and courage and have the ability to do ‘akhand prachand purusharth’.

We truly believe that ‘यत् भावो – तत् भवति - You become what you believe’. At Acharyakulam, it is our earnest endeavour to help our children grow to be the best version of them and to be truly successful in life.
